Okay, so, I've been trying to be a good little girl lately. I've been trying to go to the gym at a relatively regular frequency. I do 45 minutes of cardio (kill me) and then I work my upper body. The upper body part was a recent after thought, but noble all the same.
So, yesterday, I finished my cardio and went into the weight room. This is a big step for me because there are a ton of silly boys always on the floor doing stupid things. So, little female me goes up to the deltoid pull down machine, adjusts it, sets it to 20 lbs and starts lifting. 3 sets of 10. I get halfway through the 1st set, and I think: "Wow, 20 pounds feels a lot different then I remember! I must be a weakling!" I finished my rep and was still astonished at how heavy 20 lbs felt.
On my way home that night, when I was unable to lift my arms, I thought of something. It went kind of like this: "Catrina. You're a fucking moron. Those weight markings were in KILOGRAMS, not POUNDS. METRIC." I shook my head and quickly did the conversion in my head: 20*2.2=44 lbs. Niiiiiiceee. So, I was lifting about 2 times what I had intended to be lifting because I am a moron.
Be careful, you never know when the metric system is going to bite you in the ass.
Cheers Big Ears
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