Anyway, when I came back from travel around the nutbush, one of the first things on my to do list was washing my clothes. When Nathan and Megan picked me up from the train station, they told me to do the best to keep my screen doors shut at the cottages due to these extremely large moths. I was like...uhhh, okay, roger that. The next day, I went to the washing room and on my way in I nearly stepped on this HUGE FREAKIN' MOTH. I was thinking huge like, monarch butterflies are pretty huge. WRONG. These things were huge and really angry brown looking slow things. I put my pen down next to one to get an idea of how big it really was, and it was about three quarters the length of the pen. GROSS. I believe that all God's creatures are beautiful and yadda yadda, but, these things are just disgusting. I was literally afraid to walk over them, thinking that they would spontaneously fly up and chew my leg off.
So, I finally work up the balls to go into the washroom and set my clothing basket down. They are ALL OVER. I had to step around them to get anywhere. So, there I am, on the verge of vom, but I've finally made it to the washer. I open the washer up, and there are like friggin' 8 of them inside the washer! I'd be damned if I was going to reach in and shoo them out, so I had to do more torturous walking around to find washers free of these fuckin' beasts.
I'm not even kidding, guys. They're nasty. You've never seen anything like them. To ensure that I am not lying, I've taken a few photos. These were residing on my screen door to my cottage, and I would say that they are on the low average side in terms of size. Not even kidding. Look!!

Not a friend, clearly.

Three of them. Yes, some were on the inside...don't worry, the door was shut.
And did I mention that a little gecko looking thing wandered into my living room with me the other day? I'm on animal planet world's weirdest, I swear!
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