Sometimes, to put things in perspective, people look backward. A year ago, five years ago, ten years ago. What was I doing then? How am I going now? Today’s date hit me like a ton of bricks while I was pumping over red wine at Mel’s winery today (WEEEEEEEE, Love it!). Today is April 12th.
On April 12th, 2006, I woke up, grumpy as all fuck because I had a physics exam that day. My normal routine included waking, rolling over, grabbing my computer, and checking my email. I decided to check my gmail that morning, something I rarely did. That week, I had been having horrible nightmares about these orange wallabies nipping at my feet because I had not heard whether or not I could go to Australia or not. I had job interviews line up for that weekend (Easter), and I was preparing for the worst. I opened my gmail and lo and behold, there was an email from Charles Sturt : Congratulations, Catrina, we’re pleased to offer you admission to the Bac Applied Sci Wine Science/Viticulture…I remember reading it twice then checking my pants to see if I’d wet myself. I did a little hop around my room, then went to pounce on Jen and whispered to her: “I’m going to Australia.” The occupants of Creekside 23 boozed in the greatest glory that night, consuming champagne and Australian wine (Pictured above). One of my favorite days ever. And, I flunked that physics test…who really gives a shit? ☺
And today. April 12, 2007. I woke up in David Wynn’s old place. Not kidding. I was staying with Mel on the property at Mountadam winery, because I’d been working there for the past few days. Mountadam is in the Eden Valley, basically a sub area of the greater Barossa Valley. I woke up early this morning, drank espresso, pumped over fermenting shiraz, cab sauv, merlot, etc. I even spilled about 20 litres of $80+/btl wine all over me. Yes, I now understand the concept of siphon expensively and intimately! I hurt all over, but I’ve had a fabulous three days. With all of the disappointment that came with CSU, I need reminders of why I am on this island, why I am here. A few days of a vintage work and I remember that the winery is home. Soaking wet floors, treacherous metal staircases, squeegees, smelly ferments, bentonite. I wouldn’t give it up for the world, even if it is a dirty job.
Gettysburg. Adelaide. Slightly different. Only one year! It’s all possible people!
The date on this entry will be off because it is April 12th now, but I have no internet! Yes, I am suffering as much as you.
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