I need to have a quick little American moment before I run off to grape and wine science. Okay, so, you know how we all search for someone to blame when we're under stress and not happy with ourselves? It's that time of year here at CSU. The term ends Thursday and all of the grumpy procrastinators are out in full pissy force.
Well, I've discovered this week that's common Australian sport to just sit around and rip on everything American when they're all stressed out and freaked that their lazy than thou attitude caught up to them. I have made it clear that they were all fairly free to rip on the US, but just don't do it when a) I'm around or b) when they're not well researched because, well, I usually lay any one's shit out flat about things. Most people in the 50 nifty don't know what's going on in Oz, and most people in Oz don't really know what's going on the States, they actually know very little, they just think the know everything and can thereby comment on it and criticize it.
I can take criticism and bitching. That's what America was built on. It's what we do. I can even take being blamed for things. For example, apparently, the obesity epidemic is all the USs fault. No one else can be held responsible. It's apparently because we put hormones in our meat. Firstly, those two things are almost entirely unrelated. Secondly, Australians don't EAT our meat. Everything here is stamped "Proudly AUSTRALIAN". So, who's fault is it? The obesity epidemic is caused by a single point in a persons body...their ELBOW. It's what brings food to their mouths. The people in my house eat at McDonald's more than I ever had at home, and they want to blame us, me in particular, they seem to like to talk to ME about how HORRIBLE we are for making the world fat. Now, if these people were equipped with any kind of social filters, they may realize that that topic might be a TISCH sensitive for me and they may not constantly yell about it. I never bound and gag them and force them to go to McDonald's with me. Social fucking filter, people. Generalizations never simplify things for anyone else but you, 9 times out of 10, they're hurtful and they will cause other people to not like you so much! But, I can take that. I can roll it off of my shoulders, it's not really a huge deal. :-)
What I can't take is when they started criticizing my customs and culture. I was telling someone about a s'more (they don't have them!), and the fat ranter was like "Well, that's stupid. I'm glad we don't have that or we'd be fatter like all of you Americans." I nearly popped a vein. It's not like I go around BASHING their vegemite, kangaroos, and stupid speech phrases. I saw a bit of red. I can take criticism, but knock it off at customs and traditions. Leave those be and RESPECT. That's one thing I don't tolerate well: DISRESPECT. Fat ranter has lost all of my respect, probably never to regain it again. And I'm still a little sore about that comment.
Another theory. My flatmates think that without the US, the world would be much better off. Do you agree? I mean, really think about that. I'm sure you all can think of a million reasons why and why not. Regardless, I would NEVER come right out and say that to an Australian. I would never be like "Oh, well, I think the world be so much peaceful without Australia." GET real. Come on.
Another one I liked was that Americans were "selfish and stupid". On youtube, there is a video (just query "stupid Americans") of an Australian reporter asking people random simple questions on the streets of the US. The flatmates were most shocked when the people couldn't ID Australia on a map. So, in their eyes, that makes everyone stupid. I mean, everyone. Including me, because, I obviously am unable to locate Australia on a map. And the selfish thing. Don't even get me started. Before all of this had happened, I had been noticing just how selfish most Australians. It's not a selfish thing like in a negative way, they're just all very Aussie-centered. I can't blame them, this is a great place! It's probably due to this that they don't see themselves in the mirror. Self reflect, look at your own habits, then make another judgment. But don't include me in your generalization of "selfish" America.
To finish it off, I got told that when one of my flat mates first met me, I was "lucky" that she didn't "judge me" because I was an American. (And a FAT American...she's the fat ranter.) Her father is an American, yet, she carries this uncommon hatred for us. WTF, mate? Cool it. I responded by saying, "Yea, you are lucky you didn't treat me poorly, because, I'm not the kind of girl you want on your bad side." I thought Australians were supposed to be cool! Whatever happened to "No Worries!" Again, proof that generalizations, whether positive or negative, aren't always true.
But this is true: There are TURDS wherever you. If anyone finds a turd free location, please let me know.
In the mean time, could some please send me an American flag to put up in my bedroom?
Rant Concluded.