It's settled, then. I'm going to be just like the little dude in the picture above when I grow up. No stress, no worries. I would only have to be awake about 4 hours a day. Good times. I took that pic at the Sydney Wildlife Zoo, and these koalas were considered "active". They were trying to get them to eat. I can't blame them for being was too hot! :-)
Now that I'm over being pissed and disappointed, I have serious consideration ahead. Studying by distance isn't really an option for a variety of reasons, the biggest of which being $. I would technically be only half time, so I would have to start paying my student loans off. So, that's probably not going to happen. I've decided it wouldn't be the worst idea to go to Adelaide, but I'm not going to make an decisions until I see the place in April. And, if I like it and deem it's something I can do WITHOUT a car (or "ute", in Australian), then I'll consider it. I don't want to leave this program without giving it a fighting chance or for the wrong reasons.
I came here with pure intentions, and I want to leave only for the right reasons.
Now continues the exercise in patience.
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