How am I lucky, you ask? I'm lucky in the people that I manage to surround myself with. I'm lucky because I meet these generous, loving, beautiful people who fill my heart to the brim.
Where I'm from, well, it's amazing. My family starts there with the many wonderful people I've come from and come to know. Then, Gettysburg. My family continues with the people I'm priveldged to cherish from there. Onto my international family, and my Washington family, who are few, but strong.
Then, enter new cast. Enter biological family who care for me as no others and who are incredibly generous and who truly have allowed me to enjoy the lifestyle that I do enjoy in California today. People who had no obligation to take care of me, but did so without hesitation. Gratitude beyond measure.

My California family. How can I express what I'm feeling right now. I'm leaving. I'm leaving them all behind. I feel a mixed of excitement and the shredding of my heart muscle. A feeling a dread that I won't be able and see these people who I love so much on Monday or Friday or the next Monday, but I'll be headed elsewhere, into uncharted waters.
But I can't stop this overwhelming feeling that I am absolutely the luckiest woman in the world. The people I love are truly my wealth. And I couldn't ask for anything more.
Shortly before I wrote my last blog entry in March, I spoke with a gentlemen in Kennett Square PA who wanted me to come out and make his wine. Long story short, I'm leaving California on Saturday on a cross country road trip to terminate in Kennett Square, PA. More details to follow for you all, but, before I depart, all me to take you through my favorite things about California.

I'll have you know, California family, I have a philosophy. As well as taking you all with me in my heart, I take you with me in physical manifestation.
With the help of Jesse Tuesday in Ocean Beach, I'm taking you all with me in memento form as your state's flower, the California poppy. And yes, it is poppy orange, but my blackberry just doesn't do it justice!

This way, I can surely carry you with me everywhere and you can bet you'll never stray far from my heart.
Love to you all. All of the pieces of my heart. <3
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