Today's route was also reasonably basic. 40 E the whooolllleee way.

Let me just start by saying, Ben and I got into Nashville tonight around 6:30 CST and we had the best god damned two beers of our lives!! I sent this to my mom:

The morning started early-ish in OK city with rain. Rain is double bad for this trip because my tires are gosh darn bald, but I'm gosh darn poor, so, here we have road trip on bald tires. Not my best idea, but, we can manage.
My customer service experiences in OK looked up. Ben and I stopped in a pretty darn shady gas station in eastern Oklahoma. The woman asked me where we were going and I told her from San Francisco to Philadelphia. She asked us how we were finding OK. I said hot and humid. She said "Oh, it wasn't always humid. The old timers say that it only got humid when they put in the lakes." I looked over in the corner, and there sat one of the "old timers", who nodded. I was perplexed, as I personally didn't know anyone who "put in" lakes, other then large glaciers. Hmmm. I'm in the process of researching, but, old timers are generally right, somehow.
Onto Arkansas. What a funny place! We didn't stop, except at a Walmart in Clarksville. I thought this was going to be especially climactic because Walmart originated in Arkansas. Not so much. Except for the occasional cowboy, it was much the same.
I knew we were nearing "the east" when the scenery started to look like this:
Lush green....everywhere! And lots of trucks.
I rode most of the day today while Ben drove, and I cannot appropriately capture the sunburn on my right arm. My college friends would call it "a lobster claw". Ouch.
Ben and I decided on the title for this entry due to the high number of fucking idiots who were driving slow in the left lane. At least some of them were moderately humorous...
I know I'm officially in the east now because we crossed the mighty Mississippi today.
Cool thought...I crossed the Mississip in Minnesota on the way out West and in TN on the way back. What a giant force this river is. No doubt!
We are, however, most definitely in the south. I'm having a hard time understanding people if they speak rapidly. The ratio of billboards that are Jesus related have increased 10 fold. If you're into Jesus, that's all cool, but, I'm not so much, and I don't appreciate the shouting! Thankfully, I don't live here.

I borrowed this one:

Heck yea he does! God loves all music, right? ;-)
Got a call from Wente today, I felt my heart sink a little. Just missin' y'all! And the California weather, even if it was raining. !!!
We're a bit ahead of schedule, so we'll be going to Lexington, VA tomorrow. Shortish day, followed by a shorter day so I can get Ben to BWI on time, and then get to Frederick to see my bestest! Then on to K Square the next day. I'm starting to have moderate anxiety about my increased responsibility level the closer I get to Philadelphia. Oh boy, what an adventure!
Time for bed. Beer is making me sleepy!
Back on the road tomorrow. For those of you who think this would be a nice vacation or that I am on vacation, don't. This is really hard work...driving and running around. For real! This is business, baby! I am making the best of it and seeing cool things (who wouldn't!), but I am traveling out of necessity for a job.
Anyway, signing off.
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