I feel that Katy Perry is personally taunting me. This song has played non-stop since I've arrived in Pennsylvania. You can travel the world, but nothin' comes close to the golden coast... WHATEVER, Katy Perry. So, you're right. NOTHING comes close to the golden coast. But you don't have to remind me all of the time. So, needless to say, California has been on my mind a lot.
I am a rotten, no good blogger. You all know how I feel about catch up entries, too, so, it should be in my best interest to keep current! Alas, I have not.
So, the last time I blogged I had just arrived at Galer. Two full months have gone by since then! I'm a year older and slightly wiser, but more like...more aware of all I do not know. This acknowledgment is beneficial, of course, but not fantastically helpful.
I think I regret leaving California three times a day, at least. But in those same days, I learn and do things that I would have NEVER done in California. And I have to consider: career-wise, what was there for me in California? Close to nothing. Here I am in PA, not ideal, but, I'm doing what I have to.
So, instead of droning on, I'm going to give you a glimpse in the form of a list into life. Then I can hopefully blog away at a more regular interval. (Not likely....harvest.)
Here are my favorite things about living in Pennsylvania:
1. Proximity to friends and family-- I drive home for weddings. I drive to Gettysburg to fish. I can drive to DC to see my girlfriends. Joy.
2. Thunderstorms. Eastern thunderstorms are one of a kind. Beauty.
3. French Bread -- For whatever reason, the person in the house next to mine periodically baked beautiful loaves of french bread. She indicates that there is fresh bread for sale when she puts out a french flag. That's all. No cash register, all honor system. No advertising, no store front. It's just her side garage. And, this is SERIOUSLY the best bread I've ever had. And I walk to pick it up!
4. Fireflies -- Every night, the vineyard outside of my front door gets blanketed in thousands of fireflies. It always happens before dark but after dusk. It is one of my favorite things about living here.
5. My Commute and perks -- (Note: I HAVE A WASHER DRYER on site. I will never take this for granted again!) In the morning, I wake up, put on some winery clothes, brush my teeth, wash my face, go make some french pressed coffee, eat some breakfast and check my emails, make some phone calls, go work in the cellar for a few hours. Then I take off at mid day to run, then shower and resume working. I LOVE running in the middle of the day. I love walking across the way to my workplace.
Things I dislike about living in Pennsylvania:
1. Humidity. Hottest summer on record. 'Nuff Said.
2. Working from Home -- This appears in the above list as well as this one because it is a double edged sword. I never leave work. I feel like I'm on guard all of the time. I'm always answering emails. I'm on the phone. It's not ideal and will only get worse at harvest. It has certainly been an interesting learning experience.
3. Not being able to plan -- I NEVER know what a day holds at Galer. It's always different from what I plan. I'm always stepping over contractors (who make a mess, btw). I hate talking on the phone because I never know what the conversation will blow into my path. Adventure? I guess so. My style? Not just yet.
4. Being ALONE at work -- I spend most of the time hoping I don't fuck up. I'm smart, but I've never done about 65% of this stuff, and there's no one here on sight to help me. So, I spend my days doing my best and praying I don't fuck the hell up!
5. Philly area DRIVERS -- OMG. These people are nuts! I can't even describe. TOTALLY different environment then Gettysburg, and it is not that far away. Odd.
Here are some pictures of my winery, as I don't have many others to share with you.
The tank room is unfinished here. It is still unfinished, actually.
The round window is a new addition. So nice from the inside.
The furry looking thing, that's my assistant, Chance.
Alright, time for bed!
Love to all of my dear friends, near and far!