See that gorgeous American Flag behind me? FANTASTIC!
What Kind of Freaks....
*don't have peanut butter M&Ms?
*don't have mozz sticks?
*don't have dollar bills?
*make their two dollar coins irritatingly small?
*put prawns on their pizzas, with the EYES still on them?
*store normal OTC meds behind the counter so you have to talk to the pharmacist to get anything that's not herbal? Maybe I don't want to talk to the pharmacist about my hemorrhoids!!! (Yes, I just had to google the spelling of hemorrhoid. Who gave me a college degree?)
*pick on a country that really doesn't care about them?
*drive on the wrong side of the road and car, but keep the pedals in the same order?!
*can possibly drink themselves silly and be at work bright eyed and chipper at 7:30 the next morning? (We pre-game like they party, these people get drunk easily because of the heat, I think)
*carry their young in pouches?
*don't keep their milk in coolers?
*don't keep their eggs in coolers?! Hello salmonella! (Looked that one up too!)
*conduct education via distance learning models when people don't sign up for that?
*don't wear shoes when running errands? Come on now.
*charge you some sort of fee for every last little thing?
*refuse to pass you on a walking path if you're going slower than them, they just follow really really closely?
*mix navy blue and black...come on Aussie chicks, you're hotter then that!?
*have post codes with 4 digits in them? It's like stopping mid-cough...who does that?
Okay, I think I am through. :-)
Come on now. Who really want to talk to the pharmacist about their life?
Cheers Big Ears
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