When I first got here and managed to get over the shock of the kangaroos, I noticed these gray birds with bright red undersides hanging around. Every bird around here looks like it should be in a pet shop because it is brightly colored and vocal. It's not uncommon to see the birds that we're used to seeing behind bars roaming free here. But, these red breasted birds were numerous and they were loud. After asking several times, I finally learned that they were called galahs. (Guh-Laa-s) I knew I had heard that word before, but I didn't know where. Well, it turns out that it's a common stupidity insult to call someone a galah or a group of someones a "pack of galahs". I wondered why they would designate a mean slur after these gorgeous birds!
As with most pretty things, galahs are extremely dumb. They don't move when you're coming by, they just stare at you. They don't ever shut up, and they let the tiniest movement spook them. They are also EXTREMELY noisy. I mean, ridiculously and constantly noisy. My first few nights here I couldn't figure out what the hell was going on, I kept hearing "chiiiii chiiiiii" outside my window. 4 pm or 4 am, the galahs sound the same. Chiiiii Chiiiiiiii. Ahhhhhhh.

I adapted to the galahs eventually, I daresay I even missed them when I was in Adelaide! :-O
Recently,however, a new problem has arisen. It must be mating season or something for the native possums here. I was peacefully resting the other night (under my open window) and suddenly I was awoken to a terrible cawing and growling noise. I thought for sure that there were small black bears outside of my window. I shut the window and fell back asleep, vaguely wondering what the hell the problem was. The following night, the same thing happened. And the following night. I finally inquired as to what the ridiculous sounding mammal was. "Oh, those are the possums.", Michelle informed me, matter-of-factly, "They'll do that for a while." Oh great!
The first time I saw one of these curious looking Australia creatures was at the school of wine and food sciences bbq. We were under the covered pavillon behind an academic building eating and chatting, and all of a sudden this god damned possum dropped out of the tree right next to me into the trash can. I jumped back quickly and said something to the effect of "Kill it Kill it! It must be rabid!" All of the people standing around me gave me the most puzzled looks, and I was dumbfounded. No rabies here, of course. I think that incident is what started the perception around the school that I am a little bit nutter, and it doesn't help that I always run into people because I walk on the wrong side of the hallway/sidewalk. Haha.

This pic is from National Geographic, I hope it lets me hot link it because I think it's a funny picture of the little buggers.
Fucking Wildlife.
Cheers Big Ears, and Watch your step, those galahs don't move!
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