Every weekday, some one comes around to all of the cottages at CSU and collects all of the full rubbish bags. For the longest time, I didn't know who did this, I figured it was some sort of magical rubbish fairy because I had never seen a full bag being removed.
One sunny day in April, I was walking down to the laundry to swap in my sheets for a fresh set. On my way down, this golf cart nearly hits me. The golf cart, seating a large old man, goes into the laundry area and basically blocks off the entrance way to where I was going. I squinted at him and realized that he was sitting there, staring at me, and shaking his head 'no' with an absolute scowl on his face.
I wish I could snap a picture of him so you could see, but my words will have to suffice. Picture this: Guy in his 60s, about 6 feet high, white hair with PLENTY of facial stubble. I'd give him about 325-350 pounds, constantly wearing a red wine colored CSU polo shirt (always dirty of course), frowning, and driving around on this horribly run down golf cart (ratty seats, dirty EVERYTHING, the WORKS).
So, I'm walking down toward the laundry and this scowling man is blocking my path and shaking his head. Turns out, he was shaking his head because the laundry was closed . I knew this, but luckily, I'm in like flint with the laundry chicas, so I knew that they would switch my sheets. As I got closer to him, challenging him, I thought he may run me over. When I walked passed him, he squeaked out in a very bushmen accent "They're CLOSED!" in a really angry voice. (Think Crocodile Dundee!) When I defied him and got my sheets, I smiled at him and did my best Australian "G'Day!"
As I walked away, I remember thinking, "Wow, that was the grumpiest man I've ever met."
Oh, but the story isn't over.
I keep seeing him now, every day. Scowling, picking up rubbish on his golf cart. In the same shirt. When chatting with a mate about him, I reckoned that he must have been the grumpiest man I'd ever met. Nathan replied to that: "You'd be grumpy as well if you had to pick up rubbish all day." Au contrare mon ami, I would be thrilled to be driving that hot golf cart!
Last part, I promise. Last thursday, I was down in the coin laundry doing my washing. Imagine my surprise when I find Nathan there, and I have someone to chat with. We're sitting on washers, chatting, and in walks CSUs washer repair man. We chat with him for a bit until, lo and behold, GMIK barrels in and says, "What have they GOD DAMNED DONE NOW?!" I glanced over at Nathan, whose eyes were the size od saucers, and then looked at GMIK and said "Oh! Hello!"
He cold stared me in the face, took two steps toward me, and shook his head "no". I stared right back. I was acutely aware that my lips turned up in a grin while I was staring at him. When he saw that, he got disgusted, went "BUH!" at me and waved his arm, then turned his attention to washer repair man.
I walked out of the laundry with Nathan in tow, both smiling. What a grumpy fuck! Honestly.
Every time I've seen him since and will continue to see him, I will smile. And I will get a head shake. And I will laugh, continuously.
See, not all of the grumpy people live in the States. Australia, look no further then your own country backyard. :-)
Did I ever mention that Reese's Peanut Butter cups are not available in Oz? These people clearly have no idea what they are missing!
Cheers Big Ears
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