Things are getting close to go-time. Since I last wrote, I've resigned from my job at Ferro. Things went well, I think. It's nice to finally be able to share what makes me most joyful with all of those people. People are eager to talk about wine anyway, and they're even more eager if they know you know about wine. It's kind of a cool thing about wine...it makes people talk. Love or hate, you talk.
My boss knew what I was doing the instant I walked into his office. I was a wreck and I didn't even have to say anything to him. He made things a lot easier for me. He said: "You have an envelope. Oh. Give it to me...I wanna see where your going!" He read where I was off to and seemed as excited as I am! I then told some of my favorite R&D scientists, and was greeted with ecstatic screams. Everyone is super pumped for me, I think, which makes it more difficult to leave them all. I will miss them all, and I don't like the idea that I may never see them again. I don't like that idea at all.
The going away party is apparently in the works at Fox Run, Feb 2 at the Wagner. If you read this, don't believe Mary, you REALLY do not have to bring a gift. I am all good. You guys, honestly, are all gifts in yourselves. This is cliche, but true, I am lucky to have all of you and you bring me gifts everyday. Very true.
I am also feeling very anxious. For example, I am extremely worried that the number one man in my life, my cat Casey (17 yrs), will die while I am gone. And I am terribly afraid that he will die alone. I help him as a kitten, I feel like I should be there with him during his senescence. I worry about my favorite man :-( My poor kitty, I am sorry that I am going to leave you. Huh, I am such a worrier.
Anyway, I am tired!
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